produce on table top

How a 7 Day Cleanse Resets Your Body

Hey lovelies! It’s Pegs, and today we’re talking about something that’s absolutely transformational—a 7 day cleanse to reset your health! Let’s discover how to reboot your system!

Science, Not Hype: The Real Deal on Detoxing

In a world inundated with health trends and fad diets, it’s essential to separate the wheat from the chaff—or should we say, the science from the hype. Detoxing is often mischaracterized as merely a quick “cleanse” or a temporary health boost. However, it’s far more than that. It’s a scientifically grounded method to support your body’s intricate detoxification system. So, let’s delve deeper into what detoxing actually does for you.

Giving Your Organs a Breather

Firstly, the primary goal of detoxing is to provide your vital organs with a much-needed break. Organs like the liver, kidneys, and even the skin are daily workhorses in the toxin-removal department. By avoiding toxic substances like pesticides and artificial sweeteners during a detox, you’re essentially giving these organs less work to do. Think of it as allowing your liver to play catch-up on its backlog of detox tasks. A study in the “Journal of Hepatology” even showed that reducing toxin intake can significantly decrease the risk of liver diseases.

What Are We Detoxing From, Anyway? A Closer Look at Gluten and More

When we talk about detoxing, many people think it’s some nebulous concept. In reality, it’s about reducing the intake of substances that contribute to inflammation and other health issues in the body. So, let’s break down the specifics of what you might be detoxing from, with a particular focus on gluten—a common culprit for those with intolerances and autoimmune conditions.

The Environmental Toxins

Firstly, environmental toxins come in many forms: pesticides sprayed on your fruits and veggies, chemicals in your water supply, and air pollutants that you inhale daily. All of these contribute to a cumulative load that your liver and kidneys must process. Studies have shown that these toxins can lead to long-term health impacts, such as hormonal imbalances and increased risk for chronic diseases.

The Gluten Element

Now, let’s hone in on gluten. For many people, gluten is just a regular part of the diet, but for those with gluten sensitivities, intolerances, or autoimmune conditions, gluten is a significant issue. It triggers an inflammatory response in the body, manifesting in various forms like digestive issues, joint pain, skin concerns, and even mood swings and mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

Why is gluten such an issue for some? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, and it’s not easy for the body to break down, especially for those who are sensitive to it. The protein components of gluten can irritate the lining of the intestines, causing a condition often referred to as ‘leaky gut.’ This compromised intestinal barrier allows undigested food particles and other unwanted substances to leak into your bloodstream, triggering an immune response that leads to inflammation.

Cumulative Effects and Overwhelm

What’s most daunting is the cumulative effect of these toxins and inflammatory triggers like gluten. Over time, they can put a strain on your body’s natural detoxification systems, including your liver, kidneys, and skin. The result? A plethora of health issues, ranging from chronic inflammation and hormone imbalances to a compromised immune system.

The goal of our 7-day detox program is to give your body the reset it desperately needs. By focusing on foods that promote healing and avoiding substances that contribute to inflammation, you’re setting yourself up for long-term wellness.

The Skin, Your Secondary Detox Organ

While the liver and kidneys usually steal the detox spotlight, let’s not forget about the skin. Your skin is one of your body’s secondary detox organs and can act as a backup system when the liver and kidneys are overwhelmed. During a detox, you might notice an improvement in your skin’s appearance, as it’s no longer working overtime to expel toxins. Studies published in the “Journal of Dermatology” support this, stating that a well-planned detox can lead to clearer, healthier skin.

So there you have it, detoxing isn’t some pop-culture phenomenon; it’s a science-based practice aimed at supporting your body’s natural ability to heal and cleanse itself. A 7-day detox, or even a 3-day one for those easing in, can pave the way for sustained well-being.

Reset Your Metabolism: It’s Science!

Detoxing isn’t some fad invented to sell you magic pills; it’s rooted in hard science! Think of your body as a high-performance machine. Just like cooking brown rice on a well-maintained stove, your metabolism is at its best when it’s not gummed up with toxins. So, let’s break down the science behind detoxing, so you’re not merely jumping on some health trend bandwagon.

Okay, let’s get one thing straight: While many people initially turn to detoxing with the primary goal of weight loss, that’s not our main focus here. We’re all about a health-first approach. That said, it’s worth noting that weight loss often becomes a natural side effect when you treat your body right. It’s like getting a bonus track on an already fabulous album.

The Nutritional Science Behind Our Detox Program

Let’s get one thing straight: our 7-day detox is rooted in solid science, particularly the science of nutrition. Forget starvation or extreme calorie restriction; our program is about fueling your body with the right kinds of foods. According to a study published in “Nutrients,” a diet rich in antioxidants, fibers, and healthy fats can significantly enhance metabolic health. Why does metabolic health matter? Think of it as the control center of your body. It influences everything from calorie burning to nutrient absorption, and even your energy levels.

By focusing on nutritionally dense foods during our 7-day detox, you’re essentially giving your metabolic system a reboot. You’re not just shedding pounds—though weight loss often naturally occurs—you’re also setting the stage for long-term health benefits. This approach can be particularly beneficial for those looking to manage chronic conditions or simply improve their overall well-being.

Our 7-day detox is designed to be a thorough metabolic reset, really digging in to reboot your system. This isn’t just about shedding pounds; it’s about optimizing your body’s function. We kick-start your metabolism so that you can experience far-reaching benefits like improved energy levels and better mental clarity.

And for those who aren’t ready to dive in head-first, we offer a quick 3-day detox version. But let’s be real, if you want the full spectrum of benefits, the 7-day detox is where it’s at.

Your Digestive Tract: The Second Brain

Secondly, detoxing works wonders on your digestive tract. Your gut is often referred to as your “second brain” and for a good reason. The state of your gut health is directly linked to your mental well-being, as per research in the “Gut-Brain Axis.” During a detox, you’ll abstain from foods that are known to cause inflammation, like refined sugars and artificial sweeteners, and incorporate foods that promote healthy gut flora. This can jumpstart weight loss, improve digestion, and even impact your mental health positively.

Let’s also talk about those sneaky villains—refined sugars and artificial sweeteners. These culprits are not only bad for your waistline but also contribute to a host of other health issues, such as diabetes and heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. During a detox, you’ll flush these harmful substances out of your system, allowing your body to recalibrate and function more efficiently.

Gluten and Autoimmune Issues: The Overlooked Detox Benefit

Alright, we’ve tackled metabolism, digestion, and the big baddies like sugar and artificial sweeteners. But what about gluten? Especially for those of us who have gluten intolerances or autoimmune issues, detoxing can provide a unique kind of relief.

Gluten intolerance and autoimmune conditions like celiac disease make detoxification crucial. Gluten is an inflammatory food for many, and it can wreak havoc on your gut lining. According to research published in the Journal of Autoimmunity, there’s a strong correlation between gluten and autoimmune diseases. By participating in a targeted detox, you’re giving your body the chance to avoid this irritant and reset itself.

During a detox week, we encourage people to stay away from gluten-based foods, even if they don’t have an intolerance. Why? Because gluten can affect your gut permeability, leading to a condition called “leaky gut,” which has been shown to contribute to autoimmune disorders.

The Lowdown on Leaky Gut

Now, you may have heard the term “leaky gut” floating around, and it’s more than just a buzzword—it’s a condition that should be taken seriously. Leaky gut, also known medically as intestinal permeability, happens when the lining of your intestines becomes compromised. This allows harmful substances like toxins, bacteria, and undigested food particles to escape into your bloodstream, triggering inflammation and possibly leading to a variety of health issues. Detoxing can be especially beneficial for those dealing with leaky gut, as the anti-inflammatory foods and absence of irritants (goodbye, gluten for those intolerant!) can help repair the gut lining. Studies have shown that a healthier gut can improve mental health, reduce autoimmune symptoms, and yes, even contribute to weight loss.

So, whether you’ve got a medically diagnosed gluten issue or you’re just looking to give your gut a break, a well-planned detox can be the respite your body needs to reset and recharge.

And there we go! Detoxing isn’t some superficial trend but a science-backed method to reset your metabolism, clean your digestive tract, and even navigate complex issues like gluten intolerance and autoimmune conditions. So why not kick-start your journey to a healthier you?

A Short Reset for Long-term Gains

A 7-day detox jumpstarts your body’s natural detox mechanisms. In the short term, it can lower blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and give your immune system a boost. But the long-term gains? Improved metabolism, better sleep, and more stable moods. Now that’s a week well-spent!

Gluten-Intolerant and Autoimmune Folks, Listen Up!

Our 7-day cleanse is gluten-free and accommodates autoimmune conditions. It offers a healing environment to reduce flare-ups and symptoms. Megs can vouch for this!

The Ins and Outs of Our 7 Day Cleanse

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Our eBook provides over 25 detoxifying, gluten-free recipes. From high-fiber smoothies to soul-warming soups, we’ve got your meals covered.

Accountability, Sweet Accountability

We offer a daily worksheet to help you keep track. You’ll be surprised how much of a game-changer this simple practice can be!


Will I be able to do this cleanse vegan, paleo or vegetarian?

Absolutely, the beauty of our 7-day detox program is its flexibility to cater to various dietary lifestyles. Whether you’re vegan, paleo, or vegetarian, the focus is on nourishing foods that support your body’s natural detoxification processes. For vegans, plant-based protein sources like lentils, chickpeas, and quinoa can replace animal proteins. If you’re paleo, you’ll already be avoiding many inflammatory foods like grains and legumes, so you can focus on lean meats and a rainbow of veggies. For vegetarians, eggs, and plant-based proteins can supplement your diet. So, whatever your dietary preferences or restrictions, this detox program can be tailored to suit your needs.

How often should I cleanse?

The frequency with which you should detox varies depending on individual health goals and lifestyle factors. However, a general recommendation is to undergo a detox or cleanse every change of season, roughly four times a year. Seasonal changes often come with shifts in diet and activity levels, making it a good time to recalibrate your body. That said, if you’re under significant stress, experiencing digestive issues, or just feel generally off-balance, a detox can serve as a short-term reset. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance, especially if you have preexisting health conditions.

Long-term Transformation Starts Here

Alright, health champions, are you ready to commit to change? It’s not just a cleanse; it’s a lifestyle pivot. You’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of better health.

Ready for a Life-altering Week?

If you’re pumped to get started, click here to read more about our 7 Day Cleanse or sign up for it here. Your future self will thank you!


  1. “Nutrients”: The Impact of Antioxidants, Fibers, and Healthy Fats on Metabolic Health.
  2. “Environmental Health Perspectives”: Long-term Impact of Environmental Toxins on Health.
  3. “Frontiers in Immunology”: The Role of Gluten in Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseases.
  4. “Journal of Hepatology”: Reducing Toxin Intake and Liver Diseases.
  5. “Journal of Dermatology”: Detox and its Effects on Skin Health.
  6. “Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology”: Intestinal Permeability and its Association with Diseases and Nutrition.
  7. “Scientific Reports”: Intermittent Fasting and Calorie Restriction for Metabolic Health.
  8. “Gut-Brain Axis”: The Role of Gut Health in Mental Well-being.
  9. American Heart Association: The Impact of Refined Sugars and Artificial Sweeteners on Health.
  10. “Nutrients”: The Impact of Antioxidants, Fibers, and Healthy Fats on Metabolic Health.
  11. “Scientific Reports”: Intermittent Fasting and Calorie Restriction for Metabolic Health.
  12. Journal of Autoimmunity: The Relationship Between Gluten and Autoimmune Diseases.
  13. “Leaky Gut and Autoimmunity”: Understanding the Connection.

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