Designing a kitchen altar can be just what you need to help create a sacred space in your kitchen. For me, it’s the first thing I see that starts my day with a good feeling. I see my heavenly mom’s sweet face and the beautiful flowers I’ve arranged each week. It’s a great reminder that I am grateful for my health, the abundant blessings in my life, and the quote that reminds me to believe something wonderful is about to happen each day. It lifts my spirits the moment I enter and it brings a smile to my soul. The kitchen is the place where I impart love and blessings into each meal I make.
For those who struggle with cooking, I’ve found creating a kitchen altar helps set the mood by making the first thought a positive one as you enter your kitchen. The sight of your altar can spark a smile and begins the feel good vibes that will fill your heart and eventually permeate into your meal. Over time your connection with food and cooking may deepen. Having a kitchen altar is a way to bring out our own kitchen goddess nature as well as the possibility to enhance our cooking spirit that lives inside each us.
“Having an altar has assisted me on my path for inspiring others to cook high-quality food.” Pegs
My personal altar sits in front of my kitchen sink. I planned it that way when we built our home so when standing washing dishes, the inevitable chore for cleaning up my messiness, I see things that make me happy. On the counter behind the sink sit photographs of my sweet parents, vibrant fresh-cut flowers, inspiring words of patience and grace, Kwan Yin, and a few meaningful trinkets. Hanging above the sink is a strand of Energy Muse crystals, enhancing the energy of the space. And beyond the altar I look out into our yard with lush green trees that make my heart sing! I keep this space clutter free, sometimes rotating special things in and out at different times of the year.
On a shelf adjacent to the altar sits a prayer that blesses our food. I treat the practice of feeding my family with great respect and enthusiasm. With a full heart, I quietly read this blessing that begins my day:
“Dear God, Please sanctify my heart and mind as I prepare the life force for those that I love. May your vibrant healing energy pass through my hands and into our food, as I thank you for your bountiful gifts” The Sacred Kitchen
Here are a few simple steps to create your own kitchen altar:
- Identify where you want your altar to live.
- Find a spot you will see immediately upon entering your kitchen. Your sacred kitchen altar can be on a shelf, in a windowsill, or a table or counter space.
- Choose items to adorn your altar.
- Adorning your altar allows your creative juices to flow and connects your kitchen to your heart. It also gives you a place to see cherished mementos or meaningful photos.
- Choose carefully those items you wish to see every day, ones that fill your heart and bring you a sense of peace, comfort, and happiness. Ultimately it’s these feelings you wish to infuse into the food you prepare.
- Adorn your altar with photos of loved ones, a special rock or crystal, a candle, or objects that touch your soul.
Things you can include while designing your altar:
- a spiritual or religious figurine: Buddha, Jesus, Mary,
- a Goddess figure: Kwan Yin
- a photo of loved ones
- candles, incense holder
- flowers
- crystals and rocks
- a Bonsai tree
- small artwork
- special animal statue or photo
- ancestors & elders photos in a special frame
- Seasonal reminders
The possibilities are endless. Try not to clutter your altar. Be choosey about your selections. Rotate objects and or photos seasonally.

“An important part of creating your altar is taking a few moments to bless or consecrate it. How you do this is individual. You can simply close your eyes, breathe deeply, say a prayer, and exhale. You can speak out loud how this is your sacred place announcing it to the universe. Stating your intentions. May the food that is cooked in the sacred kitchen feed us deeply. Or even do a ritual by burning sage, incense, or palo santo. And finally you can create a feast celebrating your magical and holy place. The list is endless. Truly the key here is to find what works for you to open the door and create your own magic and fun!” from Cooking Like a Goddess.
Enjoy and share the magic and love with all who enter your home!
The Sacred Kitchen by Robin and John Robertson
Cooking Like a Goddess, by Cait Johnson