A Functional Medicine Approach Back to Health. Grace’s Health Journey

My journey started back in 2012, we were a group of neighbors, Peggy would lead us in the cleanse and teach us how to cook clean meals.  We’d do the cleansing with food Reset annually together. The first time I did it I lost a ton of weight and felt great.  But it never really became a lifestyle, because I was able to eat gluten, or so I thought!  Sure, I said I was gluten-free but I would cheat because I never really noticed a difference. There were on going issues I didn’t recognize, like weight fluctuation, occasional bouts of brain fog, depression and insomnia.  Western doctors would just say your aging, it’s normal!

It wasn’t until I found out last year that I had Hashimoto’s that I took eating gluten-free seriously. Now having an auto-immune disorder, I knew I had to eat gluten-free.  I was also very concerned that once you have an auto-immune disorder it only leads to more disorders and health problems.  I had been on thyroid medication since my fifty’s and I believe it was Hashimoto’s that attacked my thyroid.  I’ve learned, more people have Hashimoto’s then they realize, the symptoms are similar to hypothyroidism.

Last fall I got RSV and had it for 6 weeks. It wouldn’t go away until my western medicine doctor gave me some drugs to finally get rid of it. The beauty of Western medicine!  Then not long after, I got a stomach bug that was going around.  I was sick one after the other.  I felt my autoimmune was maybe the culprit of why I couldn’t get myself better.  

A friend told me about Dr Heather Stone, a Functional Doctor who offers a free on-line Happy, Healthy and Lean Hypothyroidism Master Class workshop. I took it and found it very interesting. She was offering a 168 markers comprehensive blood test at her cost.  It’s was a third of what it would have cost on my own.  The thing is, most western doctors don’t know how to read these tests.  Functional doctors read s comprehensive tests like these, and do not follow the “normal” margins that Western Doctors use to determine if you’re okay.  Western doctors have their own set of margin rules they follow and where they want your numbers to be. 

 It turned out that I had so many health issues besides Hashimotos: I was insulin resistant, had a slow flowing kidney, chronic infections, UTI (which I didn’t even know I had) I was over weight and couldn’t lose any weight no matter how much I worked out, I had high cortisol, and my metabolism wasn’t working at all and it hadn’t been for years. My hormones were off too! I was literally a mess! Besides everything that showed up on my test, I would wake up at night and sometimes not able to go back to sleep as quickly as I wanted.  I would forget why I went out to my garage to get something out of the refrigerator (brain fog), and I believe I had bouts of depression which I never wanted to admit or even share with anyone.

Once I found out all this new information at my meeting, Dr. Stone told me I was a candidate for their program. My husband had to be there for our initial meeting.  It was required that your partner or spouse be there and on board with everything the program required of me. My husband Jeff is very supportive of me.  I am very lucky as he eats what I eat. 

We have both shed weight 4 months into the program. I have more energy, I sleep very well, my brain fog is clearing and I am back to what I weighted when I was in y 30’s! My highest weight was 162 and I am down to 132 consistently.  

THE DIET: When I started, I was required to give up all processed foods, grains, beans, potatoes (sweet potatoes are okay), sugar, dairy, coffee and alcohol. After 3 weeks I was able to re-introduce eggs, beef, pork, shellfish and tomatoes one at a time to see how my body responded. I was able to have fruit, maple syrup and coconut sugar, but only a total of 10 grams of sugar per day.      

Dr. Stone’s Program is very similar to Peggy’s Cleanse/Reset.

Before (2023) After (2024)

However, now I was on a glucose monitor to see how foods affected my insulin.  Now knowing how foods affect me I don’t need a monitor and eat according to what does not affect my body negatively.  

Today, my diet consists of animal protein with lots of fresh greens and veggies. I eat very clean daily. Both Jeff and I have committed to this lifestyle change and we are both so happy we did!  I was able to re-introduce coffee back into my mornings, but only as long as I do it because I enjoy it, not because I am tired in the afternoon and need it. This is the big difference.  

I truly believe, Peggy’s cleansing with food Reset is a great place to really get to know and listen to your body before health issues happen. Your body really does give you the signals to pay attention and not ignore.  After a while you don’t crave sugars or processed foods anymore! It just feels good to be healthy!

In hindsight, I realize now, what seemed to be small and “normal aging symptoms, were much more serious than I thought and that I could had been prevented years ago. I highly recommend starting Peggy’s cleansing and food Reset, and see how different you can feel! Pay attention to what your body wants and learn what it doesn’t! 

Knowing what food to eat for my body, and realizing food is a major key to our aging and prevention– has been the greatest gift for our health!

I am grateful to be able to share with Peggy our story in hope it will inspire others to realize how food and lifestyle truly will make a difference in your life!

Grace and Jeff

Fort Collins, Colorado

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