Hi! You probably found this page because you were searching for how to go gluten free. If so, welcome! Curry Girls to the Rescue!

In 2006 our entire family was diagnosed with the genetics for having gluten intolerance. What did that mean for the entire Curry family of 6 including 2 pre-teens and 2 teenage girls? The biggest question I got was, how did you get them all to stay on their gluten free path? 

TRUTH. I told them the truth, plain and simple: both of their grandparents, my parents, died from cancer. I shared in a loving way, that once diagnosed, we have a 70% increased risk of a degenerative disease if we don’t keep to our diet. 

Even though our kids were young, they began to understand the effects. They felt better after eliminating gluten and quickly wanted to try to add it back to their diet. But as soon as they would, they would feel sick, and so they ultimately learned on their own which foods made them feel best.

How to Go Gluten Free was a learning curve for all of us. It was through trial and error. And an important step for our kids, was not being told or hovered over all the time. They needed to learn for themselves.  I kept to my word that in our home this is how we will eat and I will always provide them delicious, gluten free meals. Out in the world, it is up to them to make good choices. I made it easy for them to learn that eating gluten free can taste great! I provided the space for learning by healing them with yummy food, so they would continue to feel happy, healthy and come back for more!

Meg and Peg at a farmers market

8 Manageable + Doable Steps for How to Go Gluten Free! 

  1. Get tested. Once you are tested from both blood and bowel and confirmed you are gluten intolerant, learn which foods to eat and those to avoid. Just note, gluten needs to be in your body for accurate testing. Need more info?  Set up a discovery call.
  2. Have open and honest communication. I gathered the family for a meeting. We talked openly and honestly. We provided a safe space to share feelings and frustrations. We talked about ways to support each other and help others understand our situation. It is not an allergy. We have a genetic digestive disorder. 
  3. Commit to a gluten free lifestyle for a year. It can take 3-6 months to heal the small intestines. Yet, after just one week you will start to feel the difference. We also included going dairy free during that time. It helped a lot. It’s been since 2006 and we are all committed gluten-free-ers. 
  4. Learn which foods are safe to eat and those to avoid.  See the list below. Have gluten free options readily available. Teach kids which questions to ask, especially in restaurants without feeling afraid or embarrassed. Keep a photo on your phone of the approved foods list.
  5. Restock your pantry, fridge and freezer with foods you can eat. Clean out the foods you can no longer eat. Make it easy to choose and stay on track. See which foods you can and can’t eat. Check out the How to clean out your pantry Guide.
  6. Have plenty of foods and snacks that are easy to grab and go. Kids are big snackers. Bake treats. Kids of all ages need a little treat during the adjustment period. Grab your free pantry guide. Check out our Snackers Guide blog post.
  7. Plan your meals. Create a themed weeknight menu plan and keep your sanity! Involve the kids or give them one night to help choose and make the meal. Meal-planning is more fun and successful when it is a family activity!  Get your free planning guide
  8. Continue to reiterate kindly what they can and can’t eat. Kids will forget in the beginning…Have celebration milestones! A fun family dinner and invite their friends. Having the friends understand and learn, gluten free is and can be delicious helps a lot! 

We are here to support you on your healing journey as you learn how to go gluten free

CGK supports you in these 4 ways

  1. Pegs wrote the road map to going gluten free in Damn Good Gluten Free. A lifestyle guide filled with all the important information and inspiration to get you feeling confident, organized and knowing how to get your life and health back on track. Pegs took 12 years to write this gem and it won’t disappoint! It’s clear for the newbie and filled with 140 customizable recipes that helps the gluten free, diary free, vegetarian, vegan/plant based and Paleo preferences. 
  2. The self-guided video course, the KIND Method, follows the cookbook. A fun and delightful way to set up your kitchen, organize and menu plan your meals while finding inspiration from our dear friend Sarah Herron. We filmed the course with Sarah in her home and created her dedicated gluten free kitchen.  
  3. Cleansing with Food Resets. We love helping people discover which foods work best in their body. It’s the #1 hack in our opinion and science is now backing the concept that food IS Medicine! We have self-guided, private or group programs available. In Dr. William Li’s latest NY Times Best-selling book, Eat to Beat Disease, he says, “It’s not about a superfood or a super supplement you have to take every day, it’s really understanding more about yourself, self-knowledge learning about how your own body works, which foods work best in your body!
  4. 1-on-1 and small group coaching helps us work up close and personal. We get to know you, your way of eating and cooking, and we tailor a program specific to your needs. Perhaps you or a family member has been recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and part of your new protocol is going gluten free, or you have mold in your body. No matter the issue, we will give you the tools and support you need to get back on track.

Bottom line: when we don’t have our health, we have nothing. Peg believes wholeheartedly that her family would have had greater autoimmune issues had they not committed to a gluten free diet and lifestyle. 

Check out these articles from our Blog for more info on how to go gluten free

  • What it means to have gluten sensitivity, gluten intolerance, or Celiac Disease. Included in this article are common signs of autoimmune disorders and symptoms. Learn the difference between being diagnosed gluten sensitive, intolerant or with Celiac disease and the symptom/side effect list
  • Going Gluten Free the blog article with more helpful information to assist you. We get it. In the beginning we were all a bit terrified, however today, nearly 20 years later, the food world has changed dramatically, and there are more gluten free options available than ever before! 
  • Healing,  close to the source, and minimally processed foods will become your fast-track to healing. And psst, they taste amazing!Become BFF with your farmer or the alternative to farmers markets. Why shop farmers markets and if you don’t have one, we got you!
  • How and what to buy at your local grocery store! In this article you will begin to learn how to restock your produce, packaged foods, health care products and more.
  • Why Pegs wrote, Damn Good Gluten Free as the road map for all people diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, gluten intolerance or Celiac disease. Get to know both Megs and Pegs in this fun honest Blog post! 
  • Meg’s Story of her healing journey, including her diagnosis as a teenager and now currently embracing her healthy, happy life! So much goodness and inspiration in this article! 
  • Using the KIND METHOD. (Kitchen Improvements to Nourish Daily) A system for kitchen organization, and menu planning that builds confidence with cooking, comfort in the kitchen and joy back into your life. This entire step-by-step method is shared in Damn Good Gluten Free
  • Healthy, what does that really mean? Every. Body. Is different. Pegs shares her unique prospective here on this subject. Today bio individuality is a thing! What makes a food a #10? Eat to benefit our body, satiate our hunger and enjoy our food! 
  • Calling all snackers! Here’s an article to share, yes there are good gluten free snacks to tantalize our taste buds and for those of us who love crunchy salty snacks, even chocolate! Whaat! 
  • Gluten free is ANYTHING BUT BORING! Let’s spice up your life. Here’s a hack Megs and Pegs loves to share about using spices and herbs to make their recipes shine and taste Damn Good! 
  • Gluten Free Baking! All the girls tips and tricks to have success baking your treats and snacks for your family, friends and maybe… just for you! 

When Learning about how to go gluten free, here are some good to know FACTS

Gluten is the protein found in certain grains. If diagnosed with an intolerance or Celiac disease, these grains and the products containing these grains need to be avoided. Our bodies cannot digest this protein. Causing health problems and risks.

SAFE TO EAT Gluten Free Grains and Flours:

  • All varieties of rice
  • Corn
  • Potato
  • Tapioca
  • Sorghum
  • Quinoa
  • Millet
  • Buckwheat
  • Cassava
  • Coconut
  • Cauliflower
  • Arrowroot
  • Amaranth
  • Teff
  • Flax
  • Chia
  • Yucca
  • Bean and nut flours

Grains to AVOID:

  • Bread + bread crumbs + croutons + panko
  • Crackers
  • Baked goods: Pastries, Cookies, Cakes, Pies
  • Cereals, granolas, Muesli
  • Pizza
  • Pasta and Noodles
  • Condiments: soy sauce, ketchup, mustards
  • Sauces and gravies
  • Beer
  • Any product that uses wheat flour or hydrolyzed wheat protein in the ingredient list.
  • Skin and beauty care products. Look for hydrolyzed wheat protein. 

Common foods that contain gluten: Think anything made using a flour containing wheat or a wheat derivative. Read ingredient labels carefully. 

How about alcoholic beverages?
Myth if they take out the gluten, is it safe? While distilled alcoholic beverages are gluten-free, most beers, ales, lagers, and malted beverages are NOT gluten-free because they are made from gluten-containing grains. Beers made from gluten-free grains, such as sorghum, are gluten-free. Beers with “gluten-removed” on the label may not be gluten-free and should be avoided no matter what your friend says. Check out this great article explaining it further: Does Fermentation or Distillation Make a Product Gluten-Free? 

When changing to a gluten free diet:
Think whole, close-to-the-source minimally processed fresh, not highly processed foods. Be choosy with your packaged foods. Focus on shopping and eating seasonal produce. Worry not. We have an easy to use pantry guide that shares our favorite foods and helps you avoid glutinous additives and ingredients in those packaged foods! We share our “crossover” foods. Foods that are minimally processed with higher quality ingredients that taste great!    Here is your free Pantry Guide. LINKED

And Lastly…gluten can be sneaky. Keep a lookout and read ingredient labels carefully especially:

  1. Check your favorite skin care, make-up, hair and beauty products. If you’re unsure, contact the manufacturer to verify the ingredients.
  2. Check your condiments. They too can be tricky and contain ingredients that are not gluten free. Like ketchup, mustard, bottled sauces or dressings and soy sauces.
  3. If you see a change in the packaging of your favorite brand, know sometimes when a food manufacturer has sold their company or rebranded, the ingredients may change. Contact the manufacturer to make sure they are still fully gluten free.
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