Rawsome Pie

A month ago our dear friend Wah made us this delicious raw pie. It tastes remarkably close to Cafe Gratitude’s Key lime pie… and needless to say, we were hooked! This no-bake raw pie is so easy to make too!!


–       1 ½ cup raw cashews

–       1 cup almonds

–       ¾ cup date (pitted and chopped)

–       ¼ cup coconut shreds (thick flakes)

–       ¼ cup light agave

–       1/3 cup coconut oil

–       ½ lemon juice



1.) Soak raw cashews in water for 4 hours. When ready, put cashews, agave, coconut oil, and lemon juice into Vitamix. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes until creamy and creates 4 “pillow-y sections” in blender. Stick in fridge.

soaking cashews cashew filling: “pillow-y” sections when ready


2.) In food processor, mix almond, date pieces, and coconut shreds. Pulse until crumbly. If not sticking together, add 1 tablespoon water into processor to bind crust.

almond, date, & coconut crust


3.) Line pie dish with parchment paper. Mold date and almond crust into dish. Fill with cashew custard, and then freeze for one and a half hours. After freezer, cut pie pieces (do right when you take it out, the pie gets soft once removed from freezer). Store in fridge.

cashew filling into crust, mold with spatula cover with a lid & put in freezer



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