Zucchini Bites


Zucchini Bites are great as an appetizer or snack


1-2 zucchini’s, sliced (amount will depend on how thick you slice your zucchini’s and how many people you’re serving)

1/4 C prepared pesto or homemade pesto

1/4 C sheep or goat feta

Pomegranate seeds/aerials

Olive oil

Celtic Sea salt

Fresh ground pepper

Watch recipe Video HERE


Wash and dry zucchini’s

Thinly slice, but not too thin so they keep their shape when baked.

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

In a bowl, gently toss zucchini slices with a light coating of olive oil and Celtic sea salt.

On a parchment lined baking sheet, place each zucchini slice. Bake for 20-30 minutes until just browned.

Spread a little bit of the pesto. Top the pesto with the feta, and then sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.

Fresh ground pepper to taste and they are ready to serve.

Serve warm or at room temperature.

Watch recipe Video HERE

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